​ You will notice that your child will be showing a wide variety of emotions around this age, we know children can find it difficult to express themselves and often show behaviours which are sometimes difficult to manage. This can sometimes be related to areas of learning like sharing with their friends, we ensure that throughout your toddler’s day there are many chances to turn take. Our team are dedicated to supporting you and your child through this challenging time and giving you the time to discuss individual needs. Children around this age are really developing their language and communcation skills, therefore, our rooms are designed to provide plenty of communication rich activities. Pre-School (three-five) Children at this age are developing confidence through their learning and continue to develop social skills and strong relationships with friends. Our pre-school rooms offer stimulating and exciting activities that are freely available for children to explore, stretching their skills with staff enhancements and structured learning. Our pre-school team are there to guide them through their ongoing development using guidance from the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This supports children and prepares them for the next stage of learning.  All of our pre-schools have direct access to secure outdoor areas which are equipped with resources to enhance their play and provide opportunities to explore. The children continue to be independent learners wherever possible and they are encouraged to access their drink, food and toilet facilities. Within pre-school we continue to provide opportunities for your child to learn through what interests them, by creating this environment children get a continuous sense of achievement and develop a passion for learning new and exciting skills as well as preparing them for the important transition into school. We work closely with schools and parents to ensure that your child has a smooth transtion into Year R and continues to flourish once they have left us. WWW.HOPSCOTCHDAYNURSERIES.CO.UK I PAGE 13