PAGE 14 I WWW.HOPSCOTCHDAYNURSERIES.CO.UK Each room offers interesting and varied experiences appropriate to the child’s age and development incorporating indoor and outdoor opportunities. Children can work and play as individuals but also as a group with their friends; prompting and encouraging social interaction and developing self-confidence. Children learn best when they are having fun and enjoying their activities so learning through play is fundamental to everything Hopscotch and our childcare team does. Early Years Foundation Stage Hopscotch operates within the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’, this is a framework which recognises the individual development and learning of each unique child. The emphasis is on learning through play opportunities, interaction with people and exploration of the world around them. The framework identifies the individual efforts and achievements of children and that learning and development takes place in all areas of a child’s day. Our building designs, room layouts, furniture, resources and outdoor play areas ensure that children of all age groups and abilities have constant access and free choice to the many areas that support their learning and development. Activities are planned, evaluated and implemented to ensure a wide variety of experiences. Children at Hopscotch lead their play, choose the play and tell us what they would like to do next. Staff sensitively build upon children’s own interests, helping them to engage in activities. Our professional childcare team know how to support play at all ages and stages of your child’s development. Learning Journey During their time with us each child’s progress is recorded on an online journal. Once an account has been created for your child you will receive regular updates via e-mail. These updates include activities that your child has taken part in. In addtion we record your child’s current age and stage of development on the observations. At three points in the year we assess your child’s current level of development and track their progress throughout their time with us. This ensures that we are monitoring children’s progress and that any concerns are raised so that early intervention can be put in place. In addition to us adding observations of your child you can also do the same to help us form a really accurate picture of your child’s development and preferences. We are fully inclusive settings and welcome children with Special Educational Needs as well as children who have English as an additional language. We will work closely alongside you as parents as well as any outside agencies to ensure that we provide the best possible care and learning opportunities for all children. The opportunities available at Hopscotch give each child the chance to develop their experiences and learning skills at their own pace and to fulfil their ambitions. Play, Create,Teach